Auto Bob Feminized
- THC: 20%
- Origin: Cuban, Jamaican
- Type: Indica / Sativa
- Height: 100 - 115 cm
- Flowering: 62 days
- Harvest: 300 - 500 g/m2
General description
Auto Bob is a representative of the new autoflowering generation. Autoflowering cannabis spends less time vegetating, hence it gives less harvest. But new autoflowering strains have come to be as potent as photoperiodic marijuana, and Auto Bob is a living proof. Its genetic base consists of a trippiest and smelliest Cuban Indica, vigorous and rich in cannabinoids, which Marley Seedbank crossed with a pure Jamaican Sativa valued for its mighty cerebral high that kills fatigue. Auto Bob produces plants of Indica-resembling shape, but the bright green color and somewhat protruded leaves give out its partly Sativa parentage, also colas tend to be a little conic.
Grow peculiarities
Auto Bob plants are short, branchy and normally form 4-6 side colas. This strain ripens fast and in about 3 months after seedling can be harvested. While flowering, buds give off a sweet intensive smell. It is highly recommended to use all kinds of LST with Auto Bob, since even lighting dramatically increase buds growth. Normally one plant gives 150+ g, but bending your cannabis can result in 50-100 g per plant more. Average harvest rate with Auto Bob is about 300-500 g/m2. Dry Auto Bob buds taste earthy with piny notes. Auto Bob is an easy to grow strain and can be used for your first cultivation experience. Due to Sativa genes these plants are resistant to molds and cola rotting. Meanwhile, its Indica parentage makes Auto Bob adaptable to heat.
Auto Bob’s mixed Sativa-Indica effect shows itself as a surge of vigour, euphory and confidence lasting for about half an hour (individually), then gradually turning to a deep stone which lasts for 2 hours more. Efficient as a muscle relaxant and antistress agent, makes for sound night sleep, lowers blood pressure. Its higher CBD percentage may be of great use to those seeking for the anti-inflammatory effect of marijuana. More suitable for night use.

Auto Double Knockout
- Type: 80% Indica / 15% Sativa
- THC: 32%
- Origin: Afghanistan / Cuba / Colombia

Auto Gandalf’s Pipe
- Type: 72% Sativa / 23% Indica
- THC: 28%
- Origin: Thailand / Africa / Nepal

Auto OG Kush
- Type: 80% Indica / 18% Sativa
- THC: 25%
- Origin: Pakistan / Thailand / Colombia

Auto Gagarin Fast
- Type: 75% Indica / 20% Sativa
- THC: 27%
- Origin: Jamaican, Afghani, Hawaiian